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Name ➷
Soubriquets ➷ Species ➷ Age ➷ Birthday ➷ Gender ➷ Sexuality ➷ Residence ➷ Marital Status ➷ Occupation ➷ Caste ➷ Family ➷ |
Nikita Rovenski - Her father's namesake and the only child born into the Rovenski household.
Her parents and individuals she is familiar with may refer to her as 'Niki.' Junior. Panther, specifically a pale variant of leopard. The family's first recorded case of leucism. Thirty-Three. Beyond "proper" marrying age but feels as if she is currently in her prime. June 18th. Nikita tends to try and avoid making too big a fuss over her own birthdays. Feminine despite the fact that some of her actions are perceived to be masculine in nature. Heterosexual. Kinsey 1. Possible attraction to women but not an avenue she has explored. The Golden Tether, Guildereim. She has rented a suite for herself, her wares, and her staff. Unattached. There is pressure for her to settle down before she gets much older. Armorer, leatherworker, and smith. She both obtains and utilizes a variety of skills for her work. Nobility, new money. Has amassed enough wealth & reputation to squeeze into the upper class. Father - Nikita Rovenski. Mother - Yelizaveta Rovenski. Cousins and other extended relatives. |
Education ➷
Languages ➷ Accent ➷ Voice ➷ |
Thorough, the family spared no expense on lessons and tutors. Nikita is a dedicated self-study.
Rrussian, Kasurian, Taigorian, and Therian. Studied: Alemans, Hrrindi, and Mongolarian. Heavy. Takes care with her pronunciation of any spoken word not in her native tongue. voice |
Nikita has undergone lessons for many subjects, including but not limited to: mathematics, history, the sciences, literature, and music. She has a knack for learning languages outside of her native tongue. She has even gone so far to learn both Theric characters and Taigorian ideograms. She hopes to find time to expand the number of languages in which she is fluent (both verbally and in written form). While she will never be a scholar, Nikita is a diligent student. It shows in how quickly she progresses in the subjects that interest her the most. |
Musical ➷
Social ➷ Professional ➷ Personal ➷ |
Reading music, Piano, Lyre
Etiquette training, Dancing Accounting, Bookkeeping Archery, Fighting, Swordplay |
Suspendisse est lectus, tincidunt eu quam at, placerat aliquet ex. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque ac nunc placerat nunc varius tempor. In nec orci neque. Sed quis lectus dignissim, rutrum est eu, varius libero. Duis nibh nisi, accumsan in sodales non, pulvinar eget nibh. Sed at facilisis. |